Jira Service Management does not support all Confluence native integrations. Due to this limitation, when you link space to Jira Service Management and try to view a page inside the Knowledge Base section, the Lango Switcher popup cannot be displayed.

If you still want to offer multilingual content to your users on Jira Service Management, you can add to your Confluence pages the new Lango Switcher Macro.

The Lango Switcher Macro offers the same experience to your users as the Lango Switcher Popup but within the page.

You can add the macro typing the /Lango command inside your Confluence editor.


You should insert the /Lango Macro inside the original content page and on each translated page to make sure you deliver a consistent user experience inside Jira Service Management.

You should insert the /Lango Macro inside the original content page and on each translated page to make sure you deliver a consistent user experience inside Jira Service Management.

You can customize the UI of Lango Macro by setting the size and the link types (flags only, text only or both).

For further information visit the Lango Switcher Macro page.


The Lango Macro cannot dynamically change the title of Service Management page when you switch the language. This a know limitation and we cannot bypass it due to the way Jira Service Management and Confluence are integrated.

Our suggestion to work around this limitation is to add another localized title or subtitle inside the page.

The Lango Macro cannot dynamically change the title of Service Management page when you switch the language. This a know limitation and we cannot bypass it due to the way Jira Service Management and Confluence are integrated.

Our suggestion to work around this limitation is to add another localized title or subtitle inside the page.

An example of Powered by Lango Macro Service Management article: