Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

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Translation Configurations are a new way to speed up your translation operations by creating Lango global shared settings.

By using configurations, your users will save time during translation operations, as most options will be set by the administrator and already selected by default.

Lango Configurations is an experimental feature. We will add more presets during future updates.

Translation Configurations offer a streamlined approach to enhance translation operations by establishing global shared settings within Lango.

By implementing these configurations, administrators can predefine most translation options, allowing users to save time and effort during translation tasks, as many settings will already be set by default.

How to create a global configuration

  • Access the Lango Languages & Translator control panel admin page (Confluence admin permission required)

  • Click on the "New configuration" button.


Create your configuration by choosing your preferred settings and clicking Save.




Configuration fields




The name of the configuration.



The external


translation provider. The provider must


be configured and active

. Otherwise, you will not be able

to use the configuration during translation operations.



If the provider supports


glossaries, you can select

those to activate

them for activation. Lango




chooses the appropriate glossary based on the source and target language during translation.

Translate title


Enable this option if you want to translate both the page title and content.


Confluence requires unique titles within each space. If the translated title matches an existing page, the translation will fail.


Copy labels


Select the usage of the Configuration.

  • Add "New Translations" if you want your users to use this configuration when translating.

  • Add "Synchronizations" if you want Lango to use this configuration during the synchronization of outdated translations.

  • Add “Automations” if you want Lango use this configuration in all automation rules.

Recommended option: Unless specifically needed, create a single configuration and activate all usage options. This configuration will ensure consistency in your translations and subsequent synchronizations

Enable this option to copy labels from the original to the translated page. This ensures that the labels used for categorizing and tagging the content are retained in the translation.

How to use global configurations

If at least one global configuration is active, Lango will use a configuration as the default choice within default to it in the translation panel if there is at least one active global configuration. The set of options available to the user will be significantly reduced as they are already present . This reduces the available options for the user, as most settings are predefined within the configuration.


For special requirements, users can select the "Custom" option from the configurations menu


to set custom parameters


for each setting.
